This article, written by Consultant Family Solicitor Holly Atkins, explores the concept of January as ‘divorce month,’ and what may cause a rise in divorce cases at this time of year.
Ah January, a fairly depressing time of year… it’s cold, dark, wet and everyone is pretty skint from Christmas. It is also the month we have come to know as “divorce month”.
But is this true? Do more couples really divorce in January? If so, why might people be considering separation at this time and what steps should be taken?
My personal experience is that there can be a rise in enquiries about divorce at this time of year. Some people are ready to get going with the divorce process immediately. Others may only wish to understand their options and then make a decision. There can be a number of reasons for this.
Why do couples wait until January to divorce?
New Years Resolutions
Out with the old, in with the new. January typically tends to be a period of reflection, where people may want a fresh start and may want to make changes to their lives. If a relationship has not been going well, now might be the time of year that people feel ready to act to fix problems that already existed.
Money worries
For many families, the Christmas period can be a huge strain, emotionally and financially. With the ever-rising cost of living, combined with the expensive holiday period full of excess food, alcohol and gifts, it can often lead to arguments and tension.
Holidays are over
The Christmas period carries high expectations of joy and celebration. Most will be busy hosting family at gatherings, entertaining the children whilst they are off school, and making sure everyone is having fun. It can however also be a very stressful time. The attitude quite often seems to be that people prefer to wait until the holidays are over before making any tough decisions or giving bad news to their spouse, so as not to spoil a special occasion.
How long does divorce take?
Ultimately, the divorce process can usually take around 6 to 12 months, but sometimes longer. There will also be financial arrangements to be made, assets to divide, child contact arrangements to consider, and other matters to attend to. The decision to end of a marriage takes careful thought, and going through that process requires preparation, support and time. So, the nickname of divorce month is a little ambiguous really, although the impact of all the different factors at this time of year can certainly be a reason for people taking those first steps.
Setfords’ Family Law Team is here to help
Navigating the emotional and legal complexities of divorce is challenging. Whilst January may see a trend, it is important to consider your own personal circumstances carefully and do what is right for you. At Setfords we understand the value of having a solicitor who is able to understand your needs, provide clear, robust advice, and the compassion needed at this difficult time. If you would like more information about divorce, how to decide your financial settlement, or what the best arrangements will be for the children, please get in touch with Consultant Family Law Solicitor, Holly Atkins, at HAtkins@setfords.co.uk