Setfords consultants Saida Bello and Antoinette Lynch have been appointed by the Judicial Appointments Commission as Members of the Valuation Tribunal for England.
The Tribunal hears council tax and business rate appeals. It follows a four-stage process including interview and exercises. Saida and Antoinette expect to sit approximately once a month.
Saida, a housing litigator, said: “I am absolutely delighted to have been appointed by the Lord Chancellor.
“It has also been wonderful to have had such support from the management team at Setfords as I look to make a larger contribution to the legal community.”
Antoinette, a barrister and civil and commercial mediator, said: “I am extremely excited about this judicial post and look forward to commencing the compulsory training prior to sitting as a Member of the Valuation Tribunal.
“Having practised as a barrister for 22 years I will endeavour to use the transferable skills I have developed throughout my career to excel in this new role.”
Co-CEO Guy Setford said: “We are delighted to be supporting Saida and Antoinette as they take on these appointments. It is our aim to empower our lawyers to deliver their very best and it is always inspiring to see our consultants giving up their time to add value to the legal community.”
Co-CEO Chris Setford added: “Saida and Antoinette are both terrifically talented and we are not at all surprised to see them wanting to add value to the legal profession.”